Thursday, August 30, 2007

And the blog lives on

No, I'm not giving up this blog.

It was my first and ones first is always special.

I do have the other blog still. It's been through a lot since the last post here in December 2006.

Like what you ask?

Well, the database went completely tits up in February 2007. Oh that was a fucking treat. EVERYTHING was gone! Fucking bit rot.

I moved to a new server at that time and everything went completely wonky. I was forced to leave them after only three months.

Now my blog is BACK with Tatty and Piggy, but I still retained my domain name. Hey, it's my name! I bought it so I get to use it, m'kay!

That's it! Now go to the new blog and, if you have to after a year, change your link!

Life, Family, et al


RogerPf said...

But your new main blog

is DOWN :(

Anonymous said...

roger ~ yes it is. my apologies. we're having loads of fun trying to get a server to recognize a redirect.

in the meantime, you can travel through Temp Life, Family, et al It has posts up until 1 June 2007. Oh, if I tried to explain that one, I'd have to write a new post.

thank you for stopping by. cheers!