Thursday, April 20, 2006

Obligatory Dink photo

You gotta love a little kid in an peep egg carton bonnet.


Francesca said...

Such a fashion diva! lol

She's too adorable!

S.I.D. said...

Very cheep!

Merci said...

Actually, very chick, errrr, ummm, chic.

Rowan said...

that brings me back. When I was in kindergarten, I wanted to give mrs. bates, my teacher, a present. So, lil' Rowan took her tray from McDonalds and coloured it all up, and then, gave it to her teacher, thinking what a wonderful gift it was.

Rowan was so thrilled that her teacher loved it so very much (she wasn't sure she would) she made her another. At this point, the teacher showed obvious disdain for the gift, and Rowan was never kind to an adult authority ever again.

Us lil' uns are VERY sensitive to creative cardboard make sure you praise her lots, m'kay?

Maidy said...

Fran ~ Thank you!! She is SO the diva. Girlfriend plays the part better than a super model.

SID ~ She loved the stupid hat. When she wasn't looking, we chucked it.

Merci ~ First off, love the avatar, chickie! Secondly, that very same hat is now being featured at macy's for th low low price of $79.99 plus tax. My kid is so in style.

Rowan ~ Oh, we praised it alright. She had it in a place of honor (on top of her train table) for a day or so. Then I guess she forgot about it 'cause she has yet to go searching for it's whereabouts. :)

Anonymous said...

I just knew SID would come out with a cheep comment like that.

Anyway (fave word), was every other kid afraid of her, what with bird flu and all that?

You should have had her handing out vaccinations or something.

Virginia Gal said...

oh she looks so cute! You should have saved the hat and kept it as part of her childhood memory box, I'm sure if you trotted it out 12 years from now, you all will have a good laugh over it.

Kyahgirl said...

she is such a cutey!

Anonymous said...

We do!

Maidy said...

Kyah ~ Thank you!

Sangron ~ And a big thank you to my fave world traveler!

P and T ~ *rolls eyes and slaps forehead* Oy!