Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's official, Life, Family, et al is moving

Yep, I'm moving the site.

The new site will be in WordPress format and it will be hosted by none other than Taz and Pig.

This is the new site addy: http://lifefamilyetal.tazzyandpiggy.com/

Once I get that site in full swing, I'll post here with a link in each post to the new site and vicea versa on the new site. That will continue for a month. After 30 days, no more posts will be on this site. That'll give anyone more than enough time to switch blogrolls or bloglines or whtever you do.


Anonymous said...

I hate moving! Do you have enought boxes? Goodbye.

Maidy said...

Mr Fab ~ Thanks, but I am a bit nervous. I have been so used to the Blogger template and how to manipulate it, I hope I can do that in WordPress.

Spikey ~ You are a goof. This blog will stay up for the duration. I'll have the last post in the Blogger blog stating to go to the new blog. Whether or not I'll do that re-directing stuff remains to be seen.

mdmhvonpa said...

I'll make sure to flip ... things change when you go on sabbatical.

Maidy said...

MDM ~ Thanks. I'll be posting on both for a few then it'll flip to the WP one only.

And I don't mean Word Perfect.