Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Stick to the Status Quo

Yep, I LOVE this song.

And I love this video.

And the movie!



Maidy said...

Mr Fab ~ *hangs head in shame*

Anonymous said...

This movie has become one of Gina's favorite. She had to do a song in Chorus from this movie for her spring concert.

Maidy said...

Shell ~ Scary thing is Dinker tries to sing along with her CD via her microphone and it sounds like she darn near has the songs memorized.

Rowan said...

noooooooooooooooooo! Say it ain't so?

My daughter loves this.
I've never seen it.
She keeps bugging for the soundtrack.
Sorry, but honestly?
It looks lame

Maidy said...

Rowan ~ It's worse than cheesey. As one person put it, it's Disney-fied cheesey. Just buy her the CD already. The music is catchy so you are being warned.