Saturday, November 05, 2005

Aren't kids wonderful?

All three of us have the stomach flu. It has been one of the worst twenty-four hours.

First, I started as soon as I came home from work yesterday. Geo stayed home with the baby.

Next was the baby ... again!

Then, Geo was the third to fall.

The worst part was both Geo and I were still sick this morning and the baby was as right as rain. Figures.

Thank heavens Mom and Dad do not live too far away. So Geo and I are recooperating and the baby is with Nana and Pop-Pop.

Everyone have a healthy weekend and god willing, I'll be back Monday.


PissedOffPencil said...

So, the stomach flu has hit the U.S? Please keep it there, 'cause I have no time to deal with that for the next few months...

Hope you recover soon. :)

shannon said...

Get well soon! Lucky you to have help with childcare. It's miserable to be sick when the kiddoes are well.

Rowan said...

you are a lucky one to have family willing to help out.

Maidy said...

POP - so that viral-infested vagrant I sent on a plane to Sweden was a bad idea? :)

LB4UL - The baby literally had run of the entire house. She's two. Even in my disease-induced comatose-like state, that scared me.

Sangron - I'm tryin' but I think my daughter has alternative plans for me.

Rowan - My parents jump at the chance to watch the baby. I'd call to see if she is okay and I get "She's fine. We'll call you when we want you to pick her up." That could be three days knowing them.