Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How Maidink makes her monumental decisions

Ask the Eight Ball


Virginia Gal said...

One of my desires is that one day, when praying, I ask God a question and a magic eight ball falls down from the ceiling and tells me the answer. I know, I'm crazy : )

Anonymous said...

I still stand by me use my Ouija board!

Anonymous said...

Blimey! I'm going to win a fortune on the Lottery this month!

I believe!

I believe!

CrankyProf said...

Bird entrails.

If it worked for Ancient Rome, it'll work for YOU!

Maidy said...

VG - Yes, you are. ;)

Spikey - oh yeah, sure, get the spiritworld to help you.

Taz and Pig - Uh, excuse me ... did we forget sharing it with your favorite American friend who brought you this little tidbit of promising fortune

(maidink stands looking up at the sky and whistles poorly while pointing to herself as if that will persuade them to share)

CP - Are you insane?? I don't like cleaning out the chicken when it cooks time to cook. And those guts are in a bag already!!

Maidy said...

TJ - So I guess I have to cancel the one I was sending you for your birthday??