Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Word Verification can be so entertaining

I've had a few doozies in the Blogger's comment "word verification" section; BUT, this one, that Tomithey had to type today, is a beaut. It's not so much the word, but his explanation of it.

"And um, the verification word I have to type to post this is "Horqhate". I like it. Sounds like when you are trying to equate the slutty levels of two whores. "


Joe Tornatore said...

may try to use Horqhate in Scrabble. sounds too good not to be a word. seriously, I was blog surfing awhile ago and found this guy's blog that had nothing but filthy curse words you had to type in word verification to post.

Anonymous said...


Tom Boldo said...

I haven't really figured out how to use it in a sentence yet, but I'm working on it.

I can't make anything out of today's verification word, "swrxjfyy"