Saturday, March 25, 2006

I gol' darn gone and done it

As a precursor, let's just say I haven't changed my hair or clothing or shoe style since forever. I dress preppy, I have conservative shoes, and I rarely go to the hairdresesr.

Streats, my co-worker, gave me some blunt honest criticism last Friday.

"You dress dumpy, your clothes have no color or flair, and long hair does nothing for you, doesn't flatter you, and makes you look older than you are."


"Anything else?" I like punishment.

"Yeah, update your shoes. Spend some money on yourself, girl! You work, reward yourself."

She wasn't being mean. Streats is a good person and very classy. I was asking her what I could do to ... improve myself.

The start of all of that was me sitting at my desk wearing my new glasses and feeling ... off. I bought these new stylish eyeglasses and I felt like I looked silly.

Last year, in Florida, at the Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando, I bought a t-shirt. I ladies t-shirt. I never owned a ladies style cut form-fitting t-shirt. All of mine are unisex.

I liked it. As weird as this sounds (for me), I liked seeing a shape under my clothes.

I never feel like that towards myself, except for lately.

Middle age? Or just wanting to feel different? I don't know. I love my life. I love my husband. I love my child. I love my family. I do everything for them.

But I forgot about me.

So ...

I cut my hair.


And got highlights.

For me, that's unusual.

I even told my hairdresser, "I want a style that's not so conservative. I want ... sassy!"

I hate that word. Yet, I used it. And I liked it.

Oh lord.

Geo looked at my hair when he got home tonight.

His comment?

"You've got bengal stripes on your head."

Thanks, hon.

Then he gave me a kiss.

"I like it. You look good."

That's better ... much better.


CeCe said...


Merci said...

Nothing like a new hairdo to make you feel good! And, shoot, living where you do, you have unlimited choice of salons. AND SHOPPING!

Francesca said...

Ok..nice, nice...good for, where's the picture! We wanna see it, pronto!

Seriously, though, you are quite lucky as you have a trim figure and, judging from your blog photo, you are attractive, so stop hiding your full beauty.

My prediction for the summer: Maidink in Daisy Dukes, a red tub top, and stillettos! Good grief! Even I would hop on a plane and stage an intervention, then!!! lol

Anyway, I'm glad you're doing something for YOU. You already have a good life and this only serves to add more of a pick-me-up!

We still want de pic, though!


Pax Romano said...

and thus began Maidink's decent into the world of fashion and style...

Tony said...

Next time show up in a Bondage outfit... see if he will call you "my dutchess of discipline!"

S.I.D. said...

Great!! Following my mantra!

You gotta love yourself, before you can love others!

Anyway,if you can look classy in black and white, your doing good girl.

Anonymous said...

It's middle age.

I know. I'm there too.


Anonymous said...

Let me see.. nice.. turn around... nice!

Anonymous said...

Bengal stripes, huh? That's my bro., gotta love him. I want to see pix, you sassy thing!


Anonymous said...

There is just NOTHING like a new haircut to make me feel like myself again.

Now, when are we going shoe shopping?

Virginia Gal said...

oh I want to see an updated pic! Highlights in hair generally always look good.

Maidy said...

Celena - they are forthcoming

Mr Fab - What do you mean? Why, it's only been *maidink looks at a calendar* ten years since I have sone so.

Merci - I know. Sad, isn't it. I still haven't seen the Liberty Bell either.

Fran - DD's and a red tube top? It'll never happen. Thanks to my child I have a topographical map of Mars on my belly. I'm showing THAT to the world.

And thank you for the compliment. :)

Pax - Decent? You mean it's actually DOWNHILL form here?

Tony - That's only on Thursday. Don't want to get the poor man confused, now.

SID - Thank you, sweetie. I ripped the page straight from your guidebook on life, so don't go looking for it, m'kay.

P and T - There there, my dear. *hands him a tissue*

Spikey - You and that damn spycam! ;)

Shell - What can I say, your brother is the wizard of words. For the love of God, photos will follow.

Whinger - You were the first person I thought of when I thought of shopping for new footwear. Something simple but good enough for little things like fancy dinners and the Oscars.

VG - Oh for heaven's sake. Let me look for my camera ...

Kyahgirl said...

Woo-Hoo!! I can't wait to see.
Its so easy to leave yourself on the back burner too long when you have so many other priorities!

Francesca said...

topographical map of mars on your belly!!!! hahahahahahaahaha

you're hilarious!!!!

Maidy said...

Kyah - I've left myself on the back burner for so long I'm overcooked. I'm darn near charcoal now!

Fran - I try, I try

Tom Boldo said...

That's so good that you've done something for yourself. Too many mommies fall into that trap of putting themselves last, and the sad thing is that the family suffers as much as you do because you aren't as happy with yourself as you could be.

Spoiling yourself a little every once in a while is good and it'll make you so much happier, when in turn will bring about other great things.

You should at least give yourself one day a month to spoil yourself. Me, I spoil myself at least once a week. Every tuesday is my "eat whatever I want and drink whatever I want" day. I usually eat and drink whatever I want every day, but on Tuesday I don't feel guilty about it. :)

Tom Boldo said...

Oh and just remember, highlights in the spring and summer, LOWlights in the fall and winter.