Monday, March 20, 2006

It was an e-mail, now it's an annoying tell all


Tv show: None right now

Flower: Roses, Lilies, and Carnations

Alcohol: Beer or Disaronno with seltzer on the rocks

Movie: Grumpier Old Men, Tommy Boy, The Princess Bride

Color: Purple, Green, and Orange

Sport: Football and Hockey

Phrase: I see.

Mall: Roosevelt/Neshaminy/Court and Plaza at King of Prussia/Oxford valley/Willow Grove

Music genre: Everything except soft rock or traditional Christian

Food: Steak and green beans or PIZZA (when I don't care about the calories I'm eating)


Height: 5'6"

Hair color: Dark Brown

Hair length: Short

Hair style: straight

eye color: Brown

Weight: fluctuates between 130 and 137

Personality: have none

Style: preppie but trying to convert to hip with the help of a co-worker and the Bravo Channel


How's life?: Ummm ...

What are you doing as we speak?: typing, ... duh

What are you doing over the weekend?: car inspection, haircut/color

What do you want to do with your life?: raise my child and then retire to the mountains. Or win the lottery

What color is your life?: green or orange

Where are you right now?: work


Have you ever been in love: Yes

Do you believe in love?: Yes

Why did your last relationship fail?: He died.

Have you ever had your heart broken?: Crushed

Have you ever broken someones heart?: Yes

Have you ever fallen for one of your best friends of the opposite sex?: Nope

Are you planning on getting married?: Already did ;)

Are you afraid of committment: Nope


One thing sitting next to you: nothing interesting

Funny story: My daughter said to me in the doctor's waiting room last Monday, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Had the place cracking up.

Do you like the color purple? yes

How many cds do you own? Too damn many

Longest phone conversation?: 4 hours

Whos your closest relative? me rents

If you could go anywhere, where would it be?: Disney World or Hawaii


Pepsi or coke?: Coke

CD or Radio?: both

Tommy boy or black sheep?: Tommy Boy

Saturday or Sunday?: Saturday

Single or taken?: So taken

Colored! or black and white?: Black and White

Phone or in person: in person


Have you ever been caught sneaking out?: No

Have you ever fought someone?: Yes

Have you ever skinny dipped?: Yes (I was two)

Have you ever done something you regret?: Yes

Have you ever bungee jumped?: Ah, no

Have you ever been on a house boat?: Yes

Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? Yes

Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurts?: Yes


Anonymous said...

Busy day!

mdmhvonpa said...

Hmmm, the TMI post.

Francesca said...


I liked that!

Virginia Gal said...

You know what - when Dinks is much older, you and here should go sky jumping, its like bungee but without the elastic pull back. I did it in New Zealand, a lot of fun and very safe!

Maidy said...

Spike - Tremendously, can't ya tell?

MDM - Three Mile Island?

Fran - I'm glad to be of service.

VG - Ummm, no!!!! Well, maybe Geo will with the Dinks. He used to jump out of planes for a living (military).