Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Eden has been found; new Wal-Mart location to follow.

Scientists has discovered a "...beautiful, untouched, unpopulated forest; there's no evidence of human impact or presence" in the jungles of Indonesia.

Well, now that man has discovered it, it won't take too long until we clear it of all trees for furniture leaving the now open space as a great place to feed livestock for McDonald burgers and build a Starbucks.

New species found in Papua 'Eden'


Anonymous said...

Nice! So this means I will be able to get my Value Meal #1 over there too! Cool. (lots of ice please)

Boy from Stage Left said...

I can only imagine. Living here in Dallas, there is always construction going on tearing down trees and parks to put up over priced condos. I saw an old barn in a suburb the other day surrounded by pasture land with a sign up saying "COMING SOON, FREELAND CONDOS starting in the low 300's". I wanted to take a black and white of it and frame it with the name "Last of a Kind" SO SAD the consumerist greed that destroys the beautiful earth.

S.I.D. said...

Now lets see what "Eden Here" have on their new menu hmmmm?

Poached Honeyeater
Grilled six-wired bird of paradise
Fried Golden-fronted bowerbird.

Main Course...
Roast golden-mantled tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus pulcherrimus)

Kiddies special...
Microhylid frog (less than 14mm long)

A series of previously undescribed plant species, including five new species of palms

Side dishes...
A remarkable white-flowered rhododendron with flower about 15cm across (Saúted)

Four new butterfly species flan

Hmmmm delicious

CrankyProf said...

You mean there are still places on Earth that don't have a Starbucks on three corners???

Maidy said...

Spikey1 - That's right! By God, we'll civilize those savages!!!

Britt - Since I moved to my home eight years ago, three local farms (local meaning within five miles) have become small developments. They are now tearing down houses in the area and building two or three on the same grounds. I shake my head - it's all insane.

SID - *maidink steps away from the computer to call and make reservations*

CP - I know. I, too, was shocked as well.

Merci said...

Don't you kinda wish that the scientists would stay out, too? Just let it stay natural. Don't explore it, don't exploit it. Guess we have to leave our footprint everywhere.

Maidy said...

You know it, Merci. The collective "we" won't be happy until the entire Earth is strip mined.