Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ways to scare people # 1

Switch the data reader on one of those "Your Speed" signs from miles to kilometers.

I can hear the tires screeching already ...

Please note: In the picture, regardless of the above, the fucker was speeding.


Anonymous said...

Nothing like doing 140 on the highway each and everyday.. still 40 over... Im such a fucker eh?

Maidy said...

Yeah ... 'cause I ALWAYS obey the speed limit.

*maidink rolls her eyes up to sky and whistles as a poor distraction method*

S.I.D. said...

I don't mind speeders,as long as they can't overtake me.

Boy from Stage Left said...

I am ALL for switching the mph to kph. That made me laugh out loud!! Great Blog.

Virginia Gal said...

With so much traffic on American roads now-a-days, I rarely get a chance to speed. So annoying!

Maidy said...

Sangron - Yikes nothing! I read your post about driving in Brazil. ;)

SID - They feel bad for you; that's why they let you go past.

TJ - No, it's not. Minivans are frelling FAST! Screw the SUV, gimme an Uplander!

Britt - thanks for stopping by and thank yo for the compliment. Give me time and I'll be switching the data at a speed trap near you!

VG - Oh, they're not THAT bad. Well, maybe a little.