Friday, February 10, 2006

I hate my template

This is why you should never fix what isn't broken. See the previous posts? I do know how to separate paragraphs. It seems when I tried to import my blog to a new site yesterday, the importing effed up this blog. Lovely. And the other site doesn't work wither. So now I have a broken blog and a defunct blog.

I want to go home.

UPDATE: This damn thing makes no sense. Now it's working.

I still want to go home.


Anonymous said...

Take me with you please??? Arrg

S.I.D. said...

There, there, hush now.

*passes Maidink the tissues*

We will buy you a new blog.

CrankyProf said...

The gods of Blog hate all of us. We should sacrifice a AOL user -- it's the closest you'll get to an Internet virgin.

ninjapoodles said...

Man, I want to go home any time I'm not already here. Does this mean I am old? I used to like to be other places. Really.

Maidy said...

Spikey - No, you stay.

SID - *sniffle* but it will never be the same *boo-hoo-hoo*

CP - I know a couple of AOL users we can chuck into a volcano.

TJ - Oooo, I was warned not to go to Mela. Now, who was it that warned me, who was it ..... oh, yeah, it was YOU!! :)

Belinda - Yes, Belinda, we are old. We are the ones who answer the question, "Where would you like to be right now?" with "Home".