Wednesday, February 22, 2006

maidink's ponderable for the day

I know you can blow "smoke" from your mouth and nose in really cold temperatures.

Does the same go for your butt when one farts?


mdmhvonpa said...

I'll check next time it gets below freezing, but I've seem my dogs fart steam so I'm thinking it's possible.

Anonymous said...

The Boy and I will test it tonight and report back to you!

Boy from Stage Left said...

Hmmm, this is an interesting riddle. Although I am interested to know, I don't think that I will try it because that would require my bare ass to be in the freezing cold outdoors.

Shark-Fu said...

Yes! I was once outed for a silent poot by the puff.


One of many life changing childhood moments.

CrankyProf said...

Well, since the "steam" is the result of the moisture content, I'd assume that the more, uh, HUMID the fart in question is, the bigger the puff of steam would be...

Go to Don Pablo's.
Order the extra-mega-super Bean burrito with extra guac.
Perform your own experiments in the privacy of your backyard!

Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Anything being emitted from your body is +/- 98.6. As the Cranky Prof opined, humidity is indeed a factor.

Check the outside temperature. Do the math.

Virginia Gal said...

hee hee, I leave for a week and come back to these deep serious questions. I love my blogging community!

Maidy said...

MDM - Smoking dogs ... a good indicator. :)

Spikey1 - I'm sure you will.

Shark - Ouch. Childhood trauma all thanks to flatulence and cold air.

CP - Experiment with Don pablos? Are you kidding? That might be mistaken for the steam released by Limerick.

Mr Fab - Spoil sport.

Charlie - This was meant to be a joke, dear. Lighten up a bit, m'kay? :)

VG - I needed a little levity after the last few days.

Maidy said...

Britt - I am SOOOOO sorry, sweetie! That is my bad for the skip.

My response to you is "But you have such a cute butt". :)

Francesca said...

I read this yesterday while sitting in the office with the door locked. (I had just farted.)

Once I read it, another *toot! toot!* popped out, as I laughed!

If I got caught, I would have had to blame it YOU! lol

Kyahgirl said...

oh my, I would be the ideal candidate for your research into this area, seeing as how I live in the frigid north. However, as I NEVER fart, I will have to decline.

*minces away prettily*

Maidy said...

fran - Hee-hee-hee! Don't you go blaming me for your tooting behind, chickie.

Kyah - *maidink rolls eyes*

Just go outside and after you wrestle a wolverine, try the fart thing.

Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Maidink: I apologize for coming across as harsh... I meant no disrespect.

Maidy said...

I didn't think you were being harsh or disrespectful - just serious.

No big!