Friday, February 10, 2006

Sometimes, nothing makes sense

I just read about the extradition of a Briton to the US on charges of murder. I knew of the story. I read about it before today. He murdered his wife and 9 month old daughter as they slept. A .22 caliber gun. The wife in the head; dead immediately. The baby in the stomach; she bled to death. One shot each. And he flew off to England to hide. Articles mention possible financial difficulties. A dead mom. A dead infant. And now he's coming back to face families, friends, and the justice system.

Tonight, I'm going to go home with my child. We're going to watch TV. Or play Candyland (I hate that game). Or we will play Princess and Castles. I don't care what we do. I don't care if she says to me "Be quiet, Mommy" when I start singing the "Kipper the Dog" or "Big Sister, Little Brother" theme songs. I don't care if she cries that she would rather have daddy home than me. Well, I'll care a little about that one. But, really, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we're a family, and I love her with all my heart and soul.

She's my baby. I'm her Mommy. Geo is her Daddy. We have each other - that's what matters.


Anonymous said...

Sighing right along with you, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Having each other is the best way to be! Im with you.

Boy from Stage Left said...

I am still amazed with which people can be cruel to children. although children intimidate me, I would NEVER even come CLOSE to thinking about being cruel to them. I have a precious 6 year old neice who is such a light and more importantly I see some of her Uncle Britt in her actions every time that we are together. However, frightening that is. Squeeze her tight that is the best feeling in the world. One that is unparalleled and you don't really appreciate until you are older. I miss my mom everyday and she is only in Arkansas so I can see her a lot but nothing can replace being in her presents, she is a wonder and I try and tell her that as much as possible.

Boy from Stage Left said...

Yes I know that I spelled presence wrong. I am an accountant not a speller. LOL

S.I.D. said...

Perfect,just perfect!

Celena said...

Sounds like he might have had some Post Partum Depression issues. It's so messed up! It's times like these when I really think that maybe an "eye for an eye" isn't such a bad thing!

Merci said...

Do you think his wife had a clue he was capable of this?

Kyahgirl said...

that is so incomprehensible. There is a man in Edmonton being held on charges..he murdered his pregnant wife then pretended she was kidnapped. How can people do things like that?

Maidy said...

Whinger - *maidink shakes her head and thanks Whinger for being there*

Spikey1 - Family is everything in this world.

Britt - Children intimidate you, hmm? *maidink jots down airline info to Texas and packs Dinks bags for a little visit*

SID - It was perfect, until he murderd his family.

TJ - I've been to the point of losing everything I had and the one thing that kept me going was my family. I can't comprehend the whole situation either.

Celena - I say put him in Gen Pop in prison. Once prisoners find out he murdered a baby, his own daughter, his life won't be worth shit.

Merci - Who knows ... we'll never know now.

Kyahgirl - I've learned evil has to exist. How else can you truly appreciate the mundane things in this world without it (e.g., a child's smile).