Friday, October 28, 2005

Day Two being home

No one warned me about the "Charlie and Lola" Pink Milk Marathon the Disney Channel was running all friggin morning. Thankfully I like that cartoon. Now if it was Dora all morning? Let's just say I would have been carted away in an "I love me" jacket.

I'm feeling slightly better but far from 100%. I can barely breathe and I am constantly clearing my throat. And that is causing my throat to be irritated. On an up note, I did get these things at the pharmacy called "Soothers" with enchinacea, zinc, and vitamin C. They are wild cherry flaovored and are so good. Highly recommended.

And you can guess that there is no wedding this weekend. I still never heard from the pastor so it wsn't going to happen anyway. It's not like it's gonna be a big affair. Two "I do"s and we're done. If people want to show up that's great but we ain't feedin' them. Quite honestly, this weekend will be spent with me unconscious and Geo watching the baby.

Speaking of being unconscious, the medication my doctor prescribed to me had one of those lovely warning labels on it from the pharmacist. "May cause drowsiness". What a bunch of hooey! There was no "may" about it. It was a Day of the Dead zombie all morning sans the cannibalism. My daughter took full control of the house while I was drifting in and out of the enchanted woods. Thank goodness for the most part she is a good kid. She coloured in her colouring books (walls and furniture were spared) and played "princess". Next time I take the medicine will be bed time. Then again, anytime I'll be taking those meds will be bed time.

Have a great weekend everyone and, God willing, I'll be back in work Monday (Halloween).


Pax Romano said...

So what do I do with the four cases of bubbly, the caviar and the six thousand white doves? HELLO?!?!

Merci said...

Hope you're feeling better by the time you read this!

If I was doing the wedding thing over, I'd do it your way. What I know now is that it's a big deal no matter how you do it!

ninjapoodles said...

Hope you feel better soon. And hey, winter weddings are cool. Ours was Dec. 9, and was beautiful.

Speaking yet, are you? (giggle)

Kind of hard to get married if you can't say, "I do!"

Anonymous said...

Darn. And I wanted to see the wedding pics of you in white.

Well, off-white.


Virginia Gal said...

Hope you feel better - I thought of you this morning, NPR reported on the public transport strike in Philly - as if your commute wasn't bad to begin with. Good luck!

Francesca said...

Hope you are loads better by now!

Rowan said...

take it easy and happy halloween to yu and dinks.

Maidy said...

Pax - keep'em on ice (except for the doves - that would be too cruel).

Merci - I already did the "fairy tale" wedding. Too expensive. This time it's gonna be quick and done.

Belinda - yes, I can speak now. The wedding might be in two weeks. We'll see.

Tesco - I must have missed that day about "sharing" in kindergarten.

Pig and Taz - I'm wearing red! HA! Just kidding. I don't know what I'll wear.

VG - they're striking because they don't want to pay 5% of cost for their health benefits which right now they pay zero. I'm sorry, but I know people who have to pay upwards of 65%. And they are arguing a 9% GUARANTEED pay raise over the nest 3 years is not good enough. So, even if you are a crappy worker, if you're in the union, you get a raise.

I hate unions. They were good in the day but all unions do now is reward the lazy.

I have no sympathy for the strikers. Let them stay out. It'll cut down on the air pollution.

Francesca - thank you. I am feeling much better. I'm still out of it but at least i don't sound like Marge Simpson.

Sangron - I doled out the treats last night. Geo took little Elmo around. She had a blast as did Daddy.

Rowan - thank you, my dear. Though my "Happy Halloween" is belated, you know you were in my thoughts this Halloween being that it's one of your fave holidays (as it is mine).