Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Seven Wonder meme

Oh look, another meme opportunity. Again, this comes courtesy of the now New Yorker soon to be Californian, NYPaganChick. This one was actually a bit more difficult to complete than I first anticipated.


Things I plan to do are what I want to accomplish in the next two years. I was going to list under things that scare me clowns but they just creep me out.

7 Things I Plan To Do:

1. Get married ... finally!
2. Get our finances in order
3. Move the hell out of Philly
4. Start exercising again (I used to be fanatical about it)
5. Learn to play the guitar
6. Purchase and learn to use a sewing machine
7. Learn American Sign Language

7 Things I Can Do:

1. Talk like Alvin, Simon, and Theodore (what a talent)
2. Math
3. Cook, but not bake
4. Solve wrought-iron bar puzzles (e.g., remove the ring from the two horseshoes)
5. Fine arts (i.e., sculpting, painting, drawing)
6. Ice skate, but not rollerblade (that's also a "plan to do" item)
7. Recite the preamble to the US Constitution (yeah, School House Rocks)

7 Things I Can't Do:

1. Juggle
2. Whistle really loud using my finger and thumb
3. Dance
4. Ski (water or snow) or skateboard
5. Drink hard liquor
6. Run (long story but I really don't know how to)

7. Sing (dogs for miles around howl in unison)

7 Things That Scare Me:

1. Bridges
2. Deep water
3. Losing my child
4. Large objects (i.e., cargo ships in the water, blimps, etc)

5. Heights
6. Anything evil (not church devil evil, but The Exorcist evil or evil spirit evil)
7. Flying on airplanes (just the taking off and landing bit)

7 Random Facts About Me:

1. I love reading especially sci-fi and fantasy books, but I hate romance novels
2. I was a widow at 33
3. My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla bean

4. I love eating spicy hot food
5. I used to smoke (not one since may 2001)
6. I was adopted
7. I love cars especially muscle cars of the 60's and early 70's

7 Things I Say The Most:

1. Nope, didn't hear a word you said (or "Nope, not a clue")
2. Alright!
3. Really?
4. Well then ...
5. I see
6. And your point?

7. Good job!

Tag 7 People:

I tag:

No one. I honestly can't think of seven people I wish to torture with this. Do it if you want.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this one was tough for me too. Much more involved than I thought it would be...Thanks for playing along! :)

Virginia Gal said...

Well your fear of airplanes is one shared by many. I love taking off, it is my favorite part - probably helps that I'm an airline employee.
And I'm impressed you can cook - one skill I have to start learning ASAP!

Rowan said...

Sorry, yeah, I did this one a little while ago. Check this out, your 7 things you CAN do really are my CANNOT do's. .
Talk like Alvin, Simon, and Theodore no way can i do this
2. Math-u ARE kidding me right?
3. Cook, but not bake - ok, I can cook, but I can bake too.
4. Solve wrought-iron bar puzzles ha! no!
5. Fine arts (i.e., sculpting, painting, drawing)a great big NO!
6. Ice skate, but not rollerblade I CAN rollerblade (a little) but no likey ice skates, tried once, got not even a foot onto the ice and chickened out...I'm afraid of all things waterish.
7. Recite the preamble to the US Constitution (yeah, School House Rocks)one-we didn't have school house rocks, 2 I have no idea except for four score and seven years ago, our forefathers.....that's it...

Rowan said...

oooh and I wanted to add:
1. I love reading especially sci-fi and fantasy books, but I hate romance novels me too! I also like horror meself tho'
2. I was a widow at 33 - OMG! Seriously? That's unbelieveable! I...I....I'm not sure what to say....damn....I think that's my greatest fear.
3. My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla bean-me too! oooh and cheesecake.

Maidy said...

NYPC - No prob!

VG - I love cooking. It's one of the few things that I know I can do well.

ASAP? What, you running away?

Rowan - I'll find the sound link to the only way any American kid growing up in the 70's learned how to recite the Preamble. it starts off "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, ..."

And I love horror books too. I just throw them under the category of sci-fi.

Anonymous said...

Vanilla bean ice cream? I thought for sure it was chocolate. The only way I know the preamble was by Schoolhouse Rock. When we had a test-the whole class was humming it. My teacher made a comment like, "I see everyone watches their Saturday Morning Cartoons!". I have to get them on DVD for the girls.
